So many shiny, happy people. It’s both lovely and unnerving to see.

Instagram is overflowing with “2021 photo dump[s]”. So many shiny, happy people. It’s both lovely and unnerving to see. Where have I been? What the fucking fuck have I achieved?

Luckily for me, social media’s ability to creep into my very being and plant seeds of doubt is not new. For this feeling in particular, I turn to a poem called The Desiderata. There’s one line that instantly puts things into perspective, “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself”.

For me, 2021 has consisted of challenges and realisations I didn’t see coming. And It’s because of this I’m filled with love and gratitude for my chosen family and community, who at times, have literally held me up.

There’s no denying that life’s complicated, just look at Tom Wambsgans. So when reflecting on the last year, I choose to do so in a way that honours the rough and the smooth. The good, the bad and everything in-between. After all, nothing’s black and white. The grey area’s where it all happens, it’s just not as instagramable.

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